Its been a long time since I decided to leave my family for two amazing years of studying in Oregon. Three weeks ago I was spending time with a very special people saying goodbyes to who had become brothers and sisters of my family. I realized how hard is to be the center of attention in a farewell party. The most meaningful and sad party I ever had. There was a huge mix of emotions in my mind. I was so so happy to see my family again, however I was sad because I had to leave lots of great people, who helped me to grow professional and personal. I know now that I am about to begin a new adventure of my life. My SEED journey begins now by giving back what Ive gotten from all the people involved in the SEED Program (Scholarship for Education and Economic Development)
I Marta Romero will never ever forget all of my SEED friends. I will keep all of them in my heart. And I am more than sure of seeing you all again. I will always love you all.
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